Wednesday, March 2, 2011

No Deegetty

Because I live alone, I often engage in strange behaviors that would probably mark me as slightly crazy if I ever did them in the company of others.  One of these weird things is that I like to sing songs in foreign accents while I get ready for work.  Today, it was "No Diggity" in a Russian accent.

While trying to find a funny video of a Russian person singing "No Diggity" so people would have a better idea of what I sound like while putting pants on in the morning*, I came across this video of a talented Swedish dude singing it very well.  Not funny, except for the part where they zoom in close on the bald judge's face.  Enjoy.

*This is a lie.  I cannot fit into my work pants anymore so I am either wearing a sweater dress or leggings and a shirt that covers at least 3/4 of my butt.

1 comment:

  1. HA! I do that stuff when I'm alone in my apartment too. Sometimes? I'm in the shower, and I sing really loudly, and I realize that people in the hall outside our place can probably hear me loud and clear. And then I keep going cause hey, free show for them! What do I care?
